El capital es algo inerte, la vida se la debemos a Dios y a nuestro trabajo. El capital no se hace sin la fuerza del trabajo y la participación de todos.
Por ello es cierto que la riqueza no la hacen ni los ricos, ni los pobres, ni el Estado. Es una acción corporativa y participativa de las que todos nos beneficiamos.
Sólo falta desterrar algunos falsos conceptos con el referido, y ajustar algunas "clavijas", como ya lo viene haciendo Obama.
From: lelescano2@hotmail.com
To: alexander.grobman@gmail.com; entreamigosycolegas@googlegroups.com;
Subject: RE: [GA] Re: Discurso de Nick Hanauer en TED: "Los ricos no crean empleo"
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2013 03:03:59 +0000
Por ello es cierto que la riqueza no la hacen ni los ricos, ni los pobres, ni el Estado. Es una acción corporativa y participativa de las que todos nos beneficiamos.
Sólo falta desterrar algunos falsos conceptos con el referido, y ajustar algunas "clavijas", como ya lo viene haciendo Obama.
From: lelescano2@hotmail.com
To: alexander.grobman@gmail.com; entreamigosycolegas@googlegroups.com;
Subject: RE: [GA] Re: Discurso de Nick Hanauer en TED: "Los ricos no crean empleo"
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2013 03:03:59 +0000
Sí bueno el enlace
Problema de gringos,TED, es un gran foro para exponer por 5 minutos algún tema trascendente en USA,me intrigó el sello "Discurso censurado de Nick Hanauer en TED".....seguramente debió incomodar a muchos en USA,en especial cuando en ese país se tenía el debate entre democratas y republicanos por el tema de los impuestos que el dia de ayer,la camara de representantes llegó a un consenso :Mantener igual el tipo impositivo para un 98 % de de las familias y un 97% de los pequeños negocios; asimismo incrementa de 35% a un 39.6 % el impuesto a las familias con rentas anuales superiores a los $450,000 (Es la primera subida de impuestos aprobada tanto por democratas y republicanos juntos,despues de muchos años)
Lo cierto,volviendo al discurso de Hanauer, en su momento lo tildaron de politico,sin embargo,los responsables de TED,lo "censuraron" por su bajo nivel técnico,como lo desarrolla el comentario,lineas abajo.
Lo cierto es que los ricos no crean empleo,eso lo hace el capital que se reinvierte; sin embargo puede asumirse algun paradigma sobre los ricos, de esos comunoides de antaño,,,justamente se daba la noticia que el partido comunista Chino ha abierto sus puertas a millonarios y multimillonarios chinos.the wall street jornal americas,apuntalaba: "..de 1,024 personas mas ricas de china,160 con fortuna familiar colectiva de $221.000 millones,forman parte del congreso del PC.Igualmente la Asamblea Popular Nacional tambien cuenta con legisladores muy acaudalados, de los 3,000 miembros, 75 personas son multimillonarios cuyo patrimonio neto promedio supera los US 1,000 millones.En los ultimos 5 años sus fortunas se han incrementado en un 81 %
Bajo este contexto de problemas de gringos y de chinos, es mas convincente,como crítica al discurso del millonario Nick Hanauer el siguiente:
The Ignorance of Nick Hanauer's TED Speech
Nick Hanauer seems to have got more than a little peeved over the way that TED didn't post up his little 5 minute speech. Vague insinuations that it was because he was talking about inequality are floating around. The real problem is that he was really talking about the economics of taxation. Unfortunately, the economics of taxation seems to be a subject he is deeply ignorant of. Which isn't really a great advertisement for the sort of informative talks by experts that TED likes to broadcast on this here internet.
Bruce Upbin here at Forbes has a good post with almost all of the links that you need. See the speech, read the outrage at the National Journal, see what TED said about said speech ("we didn't post it because it's not very good" seems to be the line). As Bruce says:
It was just a case of the TED organizers deciding that this particular presentation was categorically mediocre, a conclusion with which I firmly concur.
At which point I'm afraid I must disagree. It was worse than mediocre: it was deeply ignorant of the very subject under discussion.
Here's the transcript of the talk. To highlight some points:
If taxes on the rich go up, job creation will go down. …..In the same way, a policy maker who believed that the rich and businesses are "job creators" and therefore should not be taxed, would make equally bad policy. …..That's why our current policies are so upside down. When you have a tax system in which most of the exemptions and the lowest rates benefit the richest, all in the name of job creation, all that happens is that the rich get richer……Another reason this idea is so wrong-headed is that there can never be enough superrich Americans to power a great economy. The annual earnings of people like me are hundreds, if not thousands, of times greater than those of the median American, but we don't buy hundreds or thousands of times more stuff. My family owns three cars, not 3,000. I buy a few pairs of pants and a few shirts a year, just like most American men. Like everyone else, we go out to eat with friends and family only occasionally.
I can't buy enough of anything to make up for the fact that millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans can't buy any new clothes or cars or enjoy any meals out. Or to make up for the decreasing consumption of the vast majority of American families that are barely squeaking by, buried by spiraling costs and trapped by stagnant or declining wages.
It isn't actually true that the claimed link is between taxes on the rich and job creation. Rather, that marginal tax rates have an effect on labour supply: raise those marginal rates too high and people will decide to do something else rather than go to work. Appear unpaid on stage at conferences to make a video perhaps. This is the Laffer Curve argument in part. Economic production and thus total taxes raised will be maximised by having marginal tax rates that are not too high.
Yes, sure, this just brings us the shouting match about what is "too high" and what a lovely shouting match that is. But it is a discussion of labour supply and marginal tax rates, not a discussion of job creation.
In the second part Hanauer seems to be complaining that as his consumption doesn't make up for the fall in other peoples' consumption there is something wrong with the system. Which is where he begins to go seriously wrong. For we know this, this marginal propensity to consume is an essential part of Keynesian economics and not seriously doubted by any other economists either. It is precisely this which gives us savings which then leads to investment in the economy. Exactly that, that some people do not consume all of their income. Which brings us to the Big Blooper:
The extraordinary differential between a 15% tax rate on capital gains, dividends, and carried interest for capitalists, and the 35% top marginal rate on work for ordinary Americans is a privilege that is hard to justify without just a touch of deification.
The actual rates can be argued over for sure but the idea that there should be a difference between the tax rate on returns to capital and the returns to labour is not a privilege it's just plain common good sense.
The first reason is that of course the returns to capital are not taxed at that 15% rate. Near uniquely in the modern world the US charges the corporate income tax on dividends before they are distributed then charges that 15% again upon their receipt as income. Everyone else does one or the other: the company pays the tax (perhaps with additional rate for high earners upon receipt) then distributes or the recipient is taxed and the company pays corporate tax on post dividend distribution profits. So the true dividend tax rate is more like 44% in the US.
Capital gains are also reduced by that corporate income tax so again, the rate is higher than the 15% actually charged to recipients.
But the second point is the more important. These are not taxes on the rich. They are taxes on the return to capital. And it is most assuredly so that it is the investment of capital that creates jobs. Which is why, if we'd like to create jobs we'd really rather like to have lower tax rates on those returns to capital. Indeed, you can find huge swathes of the economics literature (for example, Sir John Mirrlees who got his Nobel in this field) insisting that for this very reason the correct tax rate on the returns to capital is zero.
Because we want people to save, to invest their capital, because this is what creates jobs. These tax rates aren't limited to the rich either: low income earners with a bit of savings put by pay these same 15% rates. For the very obvious and logical reasons that they are not tax rates for the rich they are tax rates on earnings from capital investment. And we like capital investment, it's what drives the economy forward and provides jobs. Which is why we should and do tax them less than straight labour income.
A point which I hope Mr. Hanauer bothers to research before his next speech
> Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 00:11:16 -0500
> Subject: [GA] Re: Discurso de Nick Hanauer en TED: "Los ricos no crean empleo"
> From: alexander.grobman@gmail.com
> To: entreamigosycolegas@googlegroups.com; agronegociosenperu@googlegroups.com; santiago.pastor.soplin@hotmail.es; chavezj@hotmail.com
> 2012/12/29 Martin Cabrera <martin@cabrera.pe>:
> > Gracias Santiago,
> > Bastante bueno el enlace. A buscar algo más de Hanahuer.
> > Saludos,
> > Feliz Año Nuevo!!! Éxitos en el 2013!!
> > MC.
> >
> >
> > El 29 de diciembre de 2012 14:30, Santiago Pastor
> > <santiago.pastor.soplin@gmail.com> escribió:
> >>
> >> Estimados amigos:
> >>
> >> Este discurso es más que interesante: http://vimeo.com/42860584
> >>
> >> Si piensas lo mismo, lo difundes entre tus contacto.
> >>
> >> Saludos
> >>
> >> SPS
> >> --
> >> Santiago Pastor Soplin
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Martin Cabrera
> > Móvil: (+511) 997-362-604
> > RPM: *345506
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> --
> Alexander Grobman
> alexander.grobman@gmail.com
> --
> -----------------------------
> Grupo Agronegocios [GA] Más de 5,300 personas suscritas.
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> --------------------
> Subject: [GA] Re: Discurso de Nick Hanauer en TED: "Los ricos no crean empleo"
> From: alexander.grobman@gmail.com
> To: entreamigosycolegas@googlegroups.com; agronegociosenperu@googlegroups.com; santiago.pastor.soplin@hotmail.es; chavezj@hotmail.com
> 2012/12/29 Martin Cabrera <martin@cabrera.pe>:
> > Gracias Santiago,
> > Bastante bueno el enlace. A buscar algo más de Hanahuer.
> > Saludos,
> > Feliz Año Nuevo!!! Éxitos en el 2013!!
> > MC.
> >
> >
> > El 29 de diciembre de 2012 14:30, Santiago Pastor
> > <santiago.pastor.soplin@gmail.com> escribió:
> >>
> >> Estimados amigos:
> >>
> >> Este discurso es más que interesante: http://vimeo.com/42860584
> >>
> >> Si piensas lo mismo, lo difundes entre tus contacto.
> >>
> >> Saludos
> >>
> >> SPS
> >> --
> >> Santiago Pastor Soplin
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Martin Cabrera
> > Móvil: (+511) 997-362-604
> > RPM: *345506
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> --
> Alexander Grobman
> alexander.grobman@gmail.com
> --
> -----------------------------
> Grupo Agronegocios [GA] Más de 5,300 personas suscritas.
> Para enviar un email a todo el grupo:
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> --------------------
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