Hola Colegas:
Me ha impresionado el mensaje de Luis, ya que implícitamente refiere que los alimentos y derivados de los OGM's jamás tendrán la calidad de los convencionales y/o orgánicos. Creo que su aseveración también va contracorriente, ya que en el nuevo paradigma de la agricultura la variable del consumidor que busca calidad es de suma importancia y está in crescendo. Su mensaje también puede ser interpretado como una falsa profecía de que tarde o temprano toda la humanidad comerá alimentos concentrados enriquecidos y balanceados como lo hacen hoy los animales de granja (serían sumamente baratos, fácilmente formulados vía Mixit, de alta duración el el almacén, y con ellos se podría solucionar el hambre del mundo). Para ese sombrío porvenir, mejor que Dios nos encuentre a todos confesados. ¡Viva el Perú biodiverso!
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 21:10:23 -0700
From: lwdb1208@yahoo.com
Subject: [GA] Italian Farmers: 'Say Yes to GMOs or Agriculture Will Suffer'
To: agronegociosenperu@googlegroups.com; alexander.grobman@gmail.com; ljpazs@terra.com.pe; jfavre@redondos.com.pe; cfquiros@ucdavis.edu
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Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 21:10:23 -0700
From: lwdb1208@yahoo.com
Subject: [GA] Italian Farmers: 'Say Yes to GMOs or Agriculture Will Suffer'
To: agronegociosenperu@googlegroups.com; alexander.grobman@gmail.com; ljpazs@terra.com.pe; jfavre@redondos.com.pe; cfquiros@ucdavis.edu
Una muestra de que la onda anti-OGM está cambiando en Europa. Muy pronto el típico consumidor europeo hará sus compras de alimentos en pensando más en los precios que en la aparente calidad de los mismos. Será más "price-minded" y por mucho tiempo (10 a 15 años). La crisis que se viene en Europa, según los expertos, aun no comienza. Los agricultores italianos son muy inteligentes como para darse cuenta que para ser competitivos tienen que tener acceso a la tecnología OGM.
Italian Farmers: 'Say Yes to GMOs or Agriculture Will Suffer'
Italian Farmers: 'Say Yes to GMOs or Agriculture Will Suffer'
19 July 2012ITALY - 200 Italian scientists and farmers have written an appeal to President Napolitano and Prime Minister Monti. The letter specifically asks that Italy be given the possibility to compete in agriculture, both scientifically and economically, by putting a stop to the anti-GM (genetically modified) policy in Italy.
"Without research and innovation in agriculture Italian farming is going to disappear. Italian farms must be able to compete in the global market, and, without product innovation, this is not possible," the letter states.
Most of the food that Italy imports contains GMOs. Without GM feed, "Made in Italy" would not exist.
Italy's geographic indicators make extensive use of GM feed. The letter also points out the apparent contradiction between the prohibition of GM research, the cultivation, and the import of large quantities of GM feed.
The Italian scientific community has clearly expressed the usefulness and safety of GMOs, calling for further research and testing of these products in the open field.
The petition has been signed by 200 people, including Silvio Garattini, Umberto Veronesi, Luciano Maiani, Chiara Tonelli, Umberto Tirelli, Elena Cattaneo, Felice Cervone, Alberto Mantovani, Bruno Dalla Piccola, Carlo Alberto Redi, Piergiorgio Strata, Giulio Cossu, Luigi Rossi, Franco Nulli, Silvano Dalla Libera, Deborah Piovan, Duilio Campagnolo, and Marco Pasti.
Most of the food that Italy imports contains GMOs. Without GM feed, "Made in Italy" would not exist.
Italy's geographic indicators make extensive use of GM feed. The letter also points out the apparent contradiction between the prohibition of GM research, the cultivation, and the import of large quantities of GM feed.
The Italian scientific community has clearly expressed the usefulness and safety of GMOs, calling for further research and testing of these products in the open field.
The petition has been signed by 200 people, including Silvio Garattini, Umberto Veronesi, Luciano Maiani, Chiara Tonelli, Umberto Tirelli, Elena Cattaneo, Felice Cervone, Alberto Mantovani, Bruno Dalla Piccola, Carlo Alberto Redi, Piergiorgio Strata, Giulio Cossu, Luigi Rossi, Franco Nulli, Silvano Dalla Libera, Deborah Piovan, Duilio Campagnolo, and Marco Pasti.
TheCropSite News Desk
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